Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Alignment: How a filmmaker can manipulate or 'Align' the audience emotions towards the. Haram terms within their film. Process of indentification with someone or something. How micro/macro aspects align the spectators view of the film and triggers their emotions.

Platoon Ending: list of how audience would gain a emotional response-
. Sound : The rejoiceful diegetic soundtrack as the main protagonist is narrating as he flys away from the scene creates a theme of sorrow yet relief that the war was over, allowing the audience to feel empathy for the main protagonist and sympathy for the other soldiers that died. The soundtrack gave the audience an idea that the film was coming to an end due to the rejoiceful soundtrack.

The character is placed in a realistic situation which allows the audience to be aligned better with the character, allowing to put themselves in that REALISTIC situation.

A mix of "mood" through sound, lighting, camera work in the screenshot above allowing a rejoiceful ending and throughout the previous amount of the film, the audience was aligned with the character with sympathy due to the realistic however disturbing situations, therefore the audience is relieved at the end of the film along sigh the character. The camerawork,sound and lighting reinforces this emotional response.

Above is two screenshots of Platoon both showing the theme of death, a fear that is normally shared between audiences, therefore by triggering this fear from the audience, it aligns the audience with the emotions of shock, fear and empathy towards his part of the film. Especially in the second screenshot where it is a vivid and crude image of a aerial view of a pit of dead bodies, this triggers the audience response of shock as it's a long shot viewing of the dead bodies in a explicit manner. It is due to this shocking shot that will cause an emotional response of sympathy for the war victims within the movie and how they are being brutally viewed. 

For the remaining minute of the Platoon ending, the camera is mainly focused on the main protagonists face during a close up to intensely present this masculine heroin's emotions to the audience. It could be possible that a female spectatorship could relate to the film more so due to this challenging stereotype of the masculine image will perform more of an emotion from a sensitive females view than a male spectator. 

Uses a mix mood through MES, plays on fears and phobias of death, and set in a realistic nature.